To be clear, spaghetti has its own spaghetti etiquette.

spaghetti on the fork

Spaghetti: Italy's most iconic dish you eat with a fork.Yes really, only with a fork. You leave out the spoon. You still sometimes see people twisting the spaghetti strands into the spoon. Or, much worse, that one cuts the spaghetti with a knife! Both ways are out of the question, [...]

The olive picking; 'La Raccolta delle olive'

photo 2 olive picking

It is autumn. In October and November it is time for the olive harvest. When the olives start turning from green to black we start deciding when to start picking. Our neighbour Ennio (76), the previous owner of our farm, obviously has the best view on this with his years of experience. We [...]

Wines from Le Marche

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Knowing all about wines from Le Marche Italy. Le Marche is known for its excellent wines. From the refined white Verdicchio wines to the robust red Rosso Conero and Rosso Piceno, the region offers a wide range of delicious wines to enjoy. Are you interested in discovering new flavours and [...]

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